Chiropractic is based on the notion that physical problems can be traced back to a musculoskeletal system that is out of alignment.
How can Upper Cervical Care help relieve pain?
This subspecialty of chiropractic involves very precise and gentle corrections of the C1 and C2 vertebrae, the top two bones in the neck. When neck pain becomes chronic, it is often due to the fact that many of the origins of neck pain lead to misalignments. While you may change your behavior that initially resulted in the misalignment, an upper cervical correction could also be necessary to achieve long-term relief from the pain.
Holding is healing! When the top two bones are in alignment, communication between the brain and body is restored, and the body has a greater chance to heal itself naturally and keep the pain away.
"Chiropractic care does double duty when it comes to acute pain. Not only does it relieve the symptoms of pain and stiffness, but it also works to correct the underlying problem. In other words, it’s a win-win."
A misalignment in the Upper Cervical spine (neck) can affect the function of the brain stem. This, in turn, can cause migraine headaches. Car accidents, sports injuries, work-related injuries, physical or emotional stress, falls, or even birth trauma can cause upper cervical misalignments.
The Most Common
Conditions We Treat with
Chiropractic Care are :
Neck Pain
Neck pain can encompass several different sensations. For example, the pain may involve tightness and spasms in the muscles of the neck. It can result in a decreased range of motion making it tougher to nod the head up and down or to turn from side to side. Pain may grow worse when you hold your head in one position for long periods of time - for example, when you have to spend long hours looking at a computer monitor. Neck pain can also lead to tension headaches.
Common Causes of Neck Pain:
Neck pain can spring from many different sources. For example, if you sleep in an uncomfortable position, you may wake up with a stiff neck. If you spend long hours driving in a vehicle or working at a desk, poor posture may become an underlying problem. People who frequently use mobile technology may suffer from what has been termed “text neck” or “tech neck.” Nerve compression can result in radiating pain that enters the shoulders and may even extend down the arms. Trauma such as car accidents and sports injuries can also lead to chronic neck pain. Stress is another major factor as it can provide the basis for tension in the neck.
Low Back Pain
Many treatments focus on the lower back when the actual cause of the problem may be in the upper spine. The upper neck can be a factor in the development of lower back pain for two reasons. First, the spine works and moves as one, continuous unit. The top two vertebrae, called the atlas and axis, are the most mobile segments in the spine. These two bones move in six different directions, allowing the head to move up or down, bend side to side or turn left to right. The other vertebrae move primarily in two directions, making them stronger and more stable than the top two vertebrae.
Secondly, the upper cervical spine (neck) has thousands of “sensors” responsible for maintaining both the proper posture and alignment of the spine, as well as the balance and stability of the head. These sensors are constantly monitoring the head position, making the necessary changes throughout the lower spine to assure that the head remains upright.
When the spine is aligned, it is extremely strong and stable. However, due to their mobility, the top two segments are especially vulnerable to injury or misalignment. When a misalignment occurs at the top of the neck, the spine compensates or adapts in an attempt to protect the vital nervous system it houses. This triggers a chain reaction from the top to the bottom of the spine. When the head is thrown off balance, the lower spine is compromised; the pelvis is tilted, or one leg may be drawn up or shortened, resulting in an internal weakness and a spine that is imbalanced. This chain reaction makes the spinal muscles, bones, and discs more vulnerable to injury – an accident waiting to happen. If neglected, an upper cervical misalignment can lead to premature arthritis and irreversible spinal degeneration.
Migraines & Headaches
If you are currently living with migraine headaches, you know the classic symptoms of pain, sensitivity to light or sound, nausea, and vomiting. Some migraine sufferers also experience visual disturbances, numbness, tingling, clumsiness, or have difficulty communicating.
Typical medical treatments include both over-the-counter and prescription drugs. However, if you’ve seen the drug ads on TV or read the Physician’s Desk Reference, you know that all of the common migraine drugs are potentially dangerous and can cause serious side effects.
Migraines can be triggered by a number of factors including stress, excessive light or sound, fatigue, hunger, diet, hormonal changes, weather changes, caffeine, cigarette smoke, head trauma, neck movements, and even the use of a low pillow. However, it is important to understand that these “trigger factors” do not cause migraine headaches.
Dr. Seymour Diamond, Executive Director of the National Headache Foundation, has announced that new imaging techniques now allow scientists to identify what they believe to be a cause of migraines: a malfunctioning brain stem. When the brain stem, located near the top of the neck malfunctions, it increases the swelling of blood vessels surrounding the brain, setting up a chain reaction that results in a migraine headache.