Chiropractic Care can relieve a plethora of symptoms your baby or child may be experiencing.
Why would a baby or child need Chiropractic?
Children deserve to enter the world as healthy as possible. While we support a natural approach to birth whenever possible, we acknowledge the effect trauma can have on both baby and mom during the labor and delivery process, particularly when medical interventions such as vacuum extraction, episiotomy, caesarean sections and other surgical procedures are employed. In the current healthcare economy, birth trauma is frequently ignored, overlooked and in many cases misdiagnosed.
Pediatric chiropractors are specially and extensively trained to detect signs of both macro- and micro-trauma and their deleterious effects on a child’s developing nervous system. When minute misalignments known as vertebral subluxations put pressure, stress or torque on nerves or the spinal cord, chiropractors gently restore proper alignment thereby removing insult to the nervous system and restoring proper function.
In many cases, parents have reported resolution of symptoms associated with infantile colic, constipation, chronic ear infections, bed-wetting, torticollis, scoliosis, acid-reflux, asthma and even ADHD.
The effects of an adjustment on an infant, toddler or school-aged child can be profound because it eliminates not just the symptom of many common ailments, but the central cause.
For more information and research on pediatric care and why it's safe, please visit this link.
"We know that most parents can be nervous for their child's first adjustment. Our friendly staff is there to hold your hand every step of the way!"
5 Incredible Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care
Supports the Immune System
Sick season can be rough for both parents and children alike. It seems like the runny noses, coughs, and fevers just won’t go away. Pediatric chiropractic care is a great way to support a child’s immune system so that they can better fight off sickness.
Chiropractic care has been known to not only decrease sickness time, but also prevent sickness before it can flare up. If stomach problems are the issue, chiropractic care can improve digestion, relieve constipation and alleviate reflux to decrease stomach pain and problems that children often complain of.
Improves Sleep
Sleep is essential to children’s development. Children of all ages need good sleep to not only function during the day, but also to grow physically and emotionally. Spinal misalignments can disrupt sleep at night.
Poor spinal health can lead to tight muscles that cause back pain that can affect sleep, or it can contribute to insomnia. Spinal misalignments can also be the root cause of bedwetting that can be a sleep interruption as well as a cause for concern for many parents of older children.
Gentle chiropractic adjustments can remove misalignments and nerve interference so children can get the recommended amount of sleep.
Improved Behavior
Stress can affect children both physically and emotionally. Children that experience stress can act out because they know no other way to cope.
Alleviating stress can go a long way in helping children live a happier, healthier lifestyle. Chiropractic care is one of the best ways to alleviate stress, which can, in turn, improve children’s moods and overall behavior.
Improved Brain Development
Children with ADD or ADHD may have spinal misalignments that exacerbate these disorders. Chiropractic care can be beneficial for helping children to concentrate and focus better throughout the day so they don’t feel so frustrated at school, which can improve their behavior as well. Adjustments will release pressure put on the spine, bones, and joints to improve a child’s neural brain development. Chiropractic care is known to help with anxiety and depression as well.
Benefits Infants During the Early Stages of Development
Babies come with their own set of concerns. For instance, during the first few months, many babies may suffer from colic that can cause them to cry for hours on end.
They may also struggle to breastfeed or experience reflux that can keep them from sleeping well. Moms may feel at a loss of how to help their new baby. That’s where pediatric chiropractic care comes in.
Babies have a fragile spine that can get misaligned at the slightest touch, especially after delivery and traveling through the birth canal. Spinal misalignments in infants may be the root cause of such issues as colic, trouble latching, or reflux. Pediatric chiropractic care can remove these misalignments to help ease troubles that come with infancy.
Colic is thought to be caused by digestion issues while trouble latching could be caused by tight muscles in the neck and back. Chiropractic can correct both these issues so that both mom and baby can thrive during this time.